Line dancing
Today we joined Room 8 and the Seniors came in and taught us a line dance for their Film Festival. It was so much fun. We can't wait to see their finishes product.
Ka tangi te tītī, ka tangi te kākā, ka tangi hoki mātou. He Akomanga Rūmaki reo hou tēnei. Ko ngā tauira e noho ana ki roto i tēnei akomanga, ko ngā tau 4 ki te tau 8. Ko Whaea Sangita te kaiako. Kei te ako mātou i te reo o tō tātou kui mā, koro mā, o tēnā iwi, o tēnā iwi kia āhei ai mātou ki te tū maia, te tū kaha ki roto i tā tātou ake rangatiratanga, ā, tō tātou ake kiri.
Thank you Seniors for teaching Room 12 with that line dance. Teach our class after aye Room 12?....hahaaa. Show them the move Rm 12.!