
Showing posts from 2020

All the best to Miss Kyee

Today we wished Miss Kyee all the best on her Maternity Leave with a Junior shard lunch. We ended with a a water fight and games. See you next year Miss Kyee

Tā mātou haerenga

Over the term we have been learning about Kõtahitanga and the roles and responsibilities of the people in our community. We learnt about the important people who wirk with public transport. Last week we travelled to Devonport by bus, train and boat and speak to those important people. We had a great experience and learnt so much

Get Your Game On Round 3

Another House fun day in the sun to help celebrate a great Term 4. Regardless of the winning teams, everyone had an awesome day! Congratulations to everyone who participates and played as a team. 

Maara Kai

 Our mara kai is coming along nicely. Soon we will be able to share with whānau and school. Good day for gardening and learning about the importance of the role of Papatūanuku, Ranginui and Tawhirimātea

Wā kanikani with KiwiSport

 This term with KiwiSport our kaupapa is 'Dance'. Today we learnt about rhythm and how to stay in beat while making up a beat for our names. Sometimes we found it hard because we had to really think and stay in rhythm, but we done it!

Kaimahi o te hāpori

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning about people who help keep us safe in our community. We have had, Pirihimana, kaipatu ahi and some nurses come and speak to us about their role. Everyone of them help keep us safe

First Whānau Hui

This week, we had our first whānau hui for our akomanga. This was a chance for us to meet our parents and show them what we have been learning in class. It was really awesome seeing our whānau, and our tamariki were so excited to have their mums around. Ngā mihi whānau

Mahi Rākau

Kei te ako mātou ngā kupu Maori mo 'ki roto, ki waho, ki runga, ki raro' Whaea Sangita models first,  we then wait for her instructions. We follow our peers for help or we try to memorise what we have learnt.


Every Tuesday morning, we have Kiwican sessions along with Room 4. This term we are learning about Respect. Respect others was our topic for today and we played a fun game called 'Paper, Rock, Scissors and Snake'. We learnt to respect others by being nice and listening to our peers and speakers. We really enjoyed our time with Kiwican.

Te Wiki o Te Reo Niue

This week we are acknowledging and implementing Niue Language, and we started off with a Launch assembly lead by Mrs Ripata and Mrs Forsyth. Our guest speaker was Mr Awhi who spoke about his country, his language and the importance of his culture. 

Scavenger Hunt Fun

Today Reorua collaborated with the Junior syndicate and had a Scavenger Hunt. We had to find all the important role models within our whānau, hapū and Iwi that work together in Aotearoa to help Kõtahitanga exist in our daily lives. We all had so much fun!

Nz Shakeout

Today we participated in Nz Shakeout. We learnt how important it is to Drop, Cover and Hold in the event of an earthquake to keep ourselves safe. We also learnt that Rūaumoko is the Atua of rūwhenua, tai āniwhaniwha and puia.

End Of Term Sports

Today we had a Bring Your Game Sports Day for our houses. Tamariki all had a blast.

Line dancing

Today we joined Room 8 and the Seniors came in and taught us a line dance for their Film Festival. It was so much fun. We can't wait to see their finishes product. 

Mahi pāngarau

KTAM: ki te whakraupapa ngā tau. E whai ana ngā tamariki I ngā tohutohu ā Whaea Sangita. WALT: order and match numbers using resources. Tamariki enjoyed this lesson because they like to learn hands on. They were engaged and proud of themselves when the completed their task.

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

4 te whakaharatau mātou o Te Kua o Glenbrae Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. Glenbrae School is celebrating Māori language week, and we started off with a haka põwhiri. There was a goal for Aotearoa to try and get 1 million people to participate in singing, speaking Te Reo Māori at 12pm Monday. Glenbrae School participated and sung Tūtira Mai Ngā Iwi. It was a great experience and a new experience for some. Looking forward to the week ahead. Kia kaha tātou ki te kõrero Māori o tõ tātou tūpuna.