
Showing posts from September, 2020

End Of Term Sports

Today we had a Bring Your Game Sports Day for our houses. Tamariki all had a blast.

Line dancing

Today we joined Room 8 and the Seniors came in and taught us a line dance for their Film Festival. It was so much fun. We can't wait to see their finishes product. 

Mahi pāngarau

KTAM: ki te whakraupapa ngā tau. E whai ana ngā tamariki I ngā tohutohu ā Whaea Sangita. WALT: order and match numbers using resources. Tamariki enjoyed this lesson because they like to learn hands on. They were engaged and proud of themselves when the completed their task.

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

4 te whakaharatau mātou o Te Kua o Glenbrae Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. Glenbrae School is celebrating Māori language week, and we started off with a haka põwhiri. There was a goal for Aotearoa to try and get 1 million people to participate in singing, speaking Te Reo Māori at 12pm Monday. Glenbrae School participated and sung Tūtira Mai Ngā Iwi. It was a great experience and a new experience for some. Looking forward to the week ahead. Kia kaha tātou ki te kõrero Māori o tõ tātou tūpuna.

Hei mahi mõ te pānui

KTAM: ngā kūoro. WALT: recognise syllables to make a word

Wā ako

Kei te ako mātou ngā tae i te reo Māori. He kēmu tēnei. Ka karanga a Whaea tētehi tae, a, ka tū ngā tamariki kei runga i te tae. WALT: know the names of the colors in Māori 

Hari me te koa - Reo ā waha

Kei te ako mātou te kēmu 'Pepa, Toka, Kutikuti' Kei te harikoa ngā tamariki. Today we learnt how to play Paper, Scissors, Rock in Māori.  We had so much fun and we laughed heaps!