
Showing posts from 2021

Ko te poro

Ka tangi te tītī, ka tangi te kākā, ka tangi hoki ahau.  Tīhei wā Mauri Ora.  Tuatahi, he mihi tēnei ki a koutou, nā koutou tēnei kiriata i hanga, mā koutou ērā whetū o Matariki e piataata nō reira tēnā koutou ko ngā kiripuaki o te kiriata. Ka huri au ki ngā mātua mā, ā, ki ngā whānau o te akomanga 5 me 6, 'Mā pango, mā whero ka oti ai te mahi' nō reira ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou mō ō koutou tautoko ki a koutou tamariki, mokopuna. Nau mai hoki mai ki te kiriata tuatahi o te rōpū; Rumaki Reo, arā; ko te akomanga 5 me 6 o te Kura Glenbrae. I hanga mātou i tēnei kiriata kia whakaatu i a koutou, he aha ētahi mea ka taea e koe te mahi ki te poro. Ko te tūmanako kua ako koe i tētahi pukenga hou... 'E kore hoki i te waewae tūtuki, ka pā he ūpoko pakaru' Mead, H., & Grove, N (2017) Ngā Pēpeha a ngā Tīpuna (pg 34). Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University Press

Maejor's Word Art relating to Rangatiratanga

Valerie shares her own whakaaro about Rangatiratanga

This Term, our kaupapa is about Rangatiratanga. We had to use Word Art to create an image of words. We had three questions we had to answer about Rangatiratanga

Piriniha shares his learning

This term our topic is about Rangatiratanga/Leaders/Leadership. This week we were learning about Atua Māori. We had to choose 1 Atua and think about how he/she displayed Rangatiratanga within their role. I chose Tanemahuta

Celebrating Learning

Wāhanga 4: Wiki 1 Kei te harikoa ngā kaiako i te ata nei, te nuinga o ngā tamariki kei runga i te tūtaki kūkara. Tēnā koutou ngā tamariki mā o ngā Akomanga Rūmaki Reo. Whaea Moana and Whaea Sangita were so happy to see a lot of the tamariki online this morning. It's awesome to see all the tamariki engaging in the learning. Keep up the good work Room 5 & 6

Mahi Toi @ Home with Taika

Today for Mahi Toi, Whaea gave us a task with items that we had at home.   I really had fun making this flower.  My family likes it when I make something new and it was really easy to make.

Term 4 Already?

  It's Good To Be Back! Some of us happy, some of us not so happy, however the blessing is that we are all healthy and well, while having the privilege of Online Learning. All of us can't wait to go back to school!

Whakawhanaungatanga by Arapeta

  Today for Whakawhanaungatanga we had to interview three tamariki in our akomanga and ask five questions to get to know them. 

Aroha mai, aroha atu

  "Aroha mai, aroha atu" Hurō te wiki mutunga o tēnei wāhanga awangawanga.... Kia whakanui i tā mātou wiki, i mau mātou i ngā kākahū kē ia rā....tirohia ēnei whakaahua, ka taea e koe te matapae, ko wai mātou? Ahakoa e noho ana mātou i te kāinga, ka taea tonu e mātou te whakamahi i ngā rauemi o te kāinga kia hanga i a mātou kākahū ki te whakanui i tētahi 'super hero'... I mātakitaki hoki mātou i tētahi kiriata ia rā kia āhei ai mātou te nohotahi.  Ko te hui ā-kura mutunga, kua mau ngā kaiako i ngā kākahū o tētahi kiripuaki mai i a rātou tino pukapuka... Te hangareka ana kia kite i ēnei kiripuaki.. Nō reira e te whānau.... kia haumaru te noho ki ēnei hararei... "E huri tō aroaro ki te rā, hā ki roto, hā ki waho, me whakataa..."

Arapeta shares his whakaaro about the word 'MANA'

Kia ora whānau,  My friends and I were talking about the word Mana. We had to think and share about: what does it sounds like? what it feels like? what does it look like? Ask yourself these questions and see what you come up with.

School Whānau Challenge

    Glenbrae's Whānau School Challenge Every week, our school has a Whānau Challenge and these are some our akomanga has participated in: Wiki 8: Mahi Toi Wiki 7: Tunu kai Wiki 6: Neke/Kori Tinana Wiki 6: Neke/Kori Tinana Watch this space for more Challenges that we will participate in.

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

  Wāhanga 3 W8  Te Wiki i te reo Māori KEI TE PĒHEA MĀTOU TE KURA GLENBRAE TE WHAKANUI I TĀ TĀTOU REO RANGATIRA? PĒNEI..... I huitahi mātou ki te tūtaki kūkara, ā, i mahi mātou i tētahi kanikani tiktok... Ka kite, ka rongo, ka kōrero, pakipaki hī!!!, pakipaki hā!!! Mauri ora..✊✊

Te Rā Whakatā o Arapeta

What I  did in the weekend😃😃

Valerie shares her Class Bake

Today we had an online class bake with Whaea Sangita , she taught us how to make weet-bix slices 

Lockdown Class Bake

Akomanga 6 Online Class Bake Session This morning after karakia, we had a class bake online. Whaea Sangita showed us how to make Weetbix Slice.  First we had to horoia ō tātou ringa, then we mixed all our dry ingredients together. Lastly, we added the melted butter and put it in the oven.                                                                                              While our slice was baking, we then made the chocolate icing. We all were eating the icing while the Slice was cooking. We had so much fun and the Slice was delicious. ]  

Te Wiki o Te Reo Tonga

  Mālō e lelei This week we are celebrating Tongan Language Week. Mrs Ripata, Whaea Lili, Whaea Sio, other students and whānau who are from Tonga started us with a launch assembly yesterday.  The focus for Tonga Language Week this year is 'Enriching Aotearoa with Holistic Education'. We hope you enjoy Mrs Ripata's resources. Mālō ‘aupito
  Wāhanga 3 W4-6 Tūtaki Kūkara  Hurō! This week ngā teina mā have joined us for the first time on Online Learning Every day we will start our day with karakia and end with karakia as one unit like we do in our akomanga. Covid doesn't stop us from remaining as a whānau. Kia kaha, kia ū, kia manawanui
Valerie presented her research on Koroki Māhuta who was a Māori King. She done an amazing job. Haere tonu ngā mahi pai Valerie!   We've been working on kiingitanga movement for a while now and today we had to present our Kīngitanga  to our class on the class hangout !! I was scared but i still managed to do it, I have learnt many things through my research about Koroki Mahuta, I hope you learn something while you read through it :)

Pānuitahi/Shared Reading

   Tuākana/Teina This Term we are participating in shared reading with our teina. Everyday after morning tea, we tuānaka mā/Seniors will read to our teina/juniors. This is helping us to kōrero ā waha, use our Oral Language skills and for the teina to hear the reo Māori. During pānuitahi/shared reading, this incorporates whakawhanaungatana, manaaki tangata and shows good role modelling skills.  He waka eke noa

Taika Exploring Background Slides

   Today for Manaikalani session, we had fun creating slides using backgrounds and pictures of ourselves. I chose this picture because I like animates. 


  Kaitahi Mātou This week ngā teina mā and ngā tuakana mā had parakuihi/breakfast every morning to celebrate Matariki. Whaea Moana, Whaea Sangita and Whaea Tania cooked us a yummy breakfast everyday. Kua kī te puku, kua puta ā pito hoki. 

Ngā Tuakana

  Ānei mātou ngā Tuakana mā o te Akomanga 6. We are the Seniors of Room 6. We love being in our new Akomanga and enjoy learning Te Reo Māori me ngā tikanga o tā tātou tūpuna. 

Undreanna's Knowledge of Te Whare Tapawhā


Kawa of Care: Taking care of our iPads

  Today we learned to take care of our iPads using the hug hold as we walk around the room. We also learned how to take fantastic photos on our iPad using the shutter button.