
Showing posts from October, 2020

First Whānau Hui

This week, we had our first whānau hui for our akomanga. This was a chance for us to meet our parents and show them what we have been learning in class. It was really awesome seeing our whānau, and our tamariki were so excited to have their mums around. Ngā mihi whānau

Mahi Rākau

Kei te ako mātou ngā kupu Maori mo 'ki roto, ki waho, ki runga, ki raro' Whaea Sangita models first,  we then wait for her instructions. We follow our peers for help or we try to memorise what we have learnt.


Every Tuesday morning, we have Kiwican sessions along with Room 4. This term we are learning about Respect. Respect others was our topic for today and we played a fun game called 'Paper, Rock, Scissors and Snake'. We learnt to respect others by being nice and listening to our peers and speakers. We really enjoyed our time with Kiwican.

Te Wiki o Te Reo Niue

This week we are acknowledging and implementing Niue Language, and we started off with a Launch assembly lead by Mrs Ripata and Mrs Forsyth. Our guest speaker was Mr Awhi who spoke about his country, his language and the importance of his culture. 

Scavenger Hunt Fun

Today Reorua collaborated with the Junior syndicate and had a Scavenger Hunt. We had to find all the important role models within our whānau, hapū and Iwi that work together in Aotearoa to help Kõtahitanga exist in our daily lives. We all had so much fun!

Nz Shakeout

Today we participated in Nz Shakeout. We learnt how important it is to Drop, Cover and Hold in the event of an earthquake to keep ourselves safe. We also learnt that Rūaumoko is the Atua of rūwhenua, tai āniwhaniwha and puia.